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2022 – DCP – color – 68’


Direction: Gabriele Licchelli, Francesco Lorusso, Andrea Settembrini

Screenplay: Andrea Settembrini, David Suber

Cinematography: Francesco Lorusso

Editing: Gabriele Licchelli 

Music: Leonardo Cini

Animation: Hannah Kirmes-Daly

With: Khalil al Jazairi, Jumha Khan, Parwana Amiri, Abdullah Jabor Khel

Executive producers: Andrea Settembrini, David Suber, Margherita Mini, Alice Drago, Matteo Fresi,

Federico Lagna

Production: Broga Doite Film, Brush&Bow C.I.C, BVMN, Epica Film


Every year, thousands of people seek to reach Europe in an effort to escape from war, economic hardships or environmental disasters. Many follow the so-called Balkan route, attempting to cross, border by border, all the countries in the Balkan region by walking through forests, rivers and over mountains, or hiding in trucks and freight trains. More often than not, they are stopped by border police, who forcibly send them back, constraining them to begin their journey all over again, like a terrible game. The film, set amongst the locations of Patras in Greece, Šid in Serbia, Biha? in Bosnia and Trieste in Italy, weaves together fragments of stories and places by using different narrative techniques and presenting an experiential journey, hence inviting the viewer to identify with the dimension of suffering and hope of those living in this kind of limbo.


director’s statement

“In this film, shot over about two years along the borders of Greece, Serbia, Bosnia and Italy, migration never appears directly, rather it emerges as a trace or a sign in the everyday lives of people on the move, shown while resting after a long walk in the woods, taking shelter from the rain, caring for wounds caused by violent police or gathering to exchange food, water and companionship.

The film aims to offer a glimpse into a harsh and painful reality, in order to reaffirm a humanity denied in a context where, through systematic violence, there exists an ambition to dehumanize the individual.”


awards and festivals

2022 Festival dei popoli – Italian Competition – Home Video Distribution Popoli Doc Award

2023 Festival Cinema Africano, Asia e America Latina – Extr’A Competition: SNCCI Award as Best Film

2023 Glocal Film Festival – Documentary Profession

2023 Crossing Europe –  European Panorama Documentary

2023 Festival International Jean Rouch – International Competition

2023 Migrant FF

2023 Terra di tutti FF