EFA SHORTS: European Film Academy
by Basil da Cunha
Portugal, Switzerland, 25’, documentary, fiction
After a violent police raid in a poor clandestine neighbourhood in Lisbon, a 7-year-old girl seeks to find her missing older brother. At the same time, a young newly released ex-convict tries to start anew, free from a life of crime. The fate of these two will cross in the worst way.
by Salomé Da Souza
France, 25’, fiction
Johannes and Gabin are young, cousins and in love with each other: their story takes place in the South of France.
THE EXPLODING GIRL – La fille qui explose
by Caroline Poggi, Jonathan Vinel
France, 19’, animation
For the past three months, Candice has been exploding every day. Sometimes even 2 or 3 times a day. Her record is seven times. She currently has 192 explosions.
THE MAN WHO COULD NOT REMAIN SILENT – ?ovjek koji nije mogao šutjeti
by Nebojša Slijep?evi?
Croatia, France, Bulgaria, Slovenia, 14’, fiction
February 27, 1993, Strpci, Bosnia and Herzegovina. A passenger train from Belgrade to Bar is stopped by paramilitary forces in an ethnic cleansing operation. As they haul off innocent civilians, only one man out of 500 passengers dares to stand up to them. This is the true story of a man who could not remain silent.
by Nina Gantz
The Netherlands, France, Belgium, United Kingdom, 14’, Animation
Mary, Billybud, and Fumbleton are three miniature actors who star in a kids’ TV series. After their creator dies, they are left alone in the studio. With their slowly decaying costumes and growing hunger, they continue to make increasingly strange episodes for their fans.