2024 – DCP – color – 67’
Regia: Vincent Imperato
Script: Valeria Natriello
Fotografia: Vincent Imperato
Montaggio: Davide Lupinetti
Music: Joachim Heinrich
Additional music: Jose Gonzales, Tally Hall, Shylah Ray
With: Alan Smith, Roberto Capaccioni, Lora Abadjieva, Teodor Vasilev, Dimitar Ivanov Kasabov
Production manager: Timea Barocz
Production: Lucky To Be Alive in collaborazione con in collaboration with Story Rec, Picsat
According to the European Union, Erasmus is one of its greatest achievements, after the Euro and Schengen, in building the place that we now call Europe. It has brought people together across borders and promoted peace among nations. At the same time, we often hear people say, “Erasmus changed my life”.
Roberto is one of 15 million individuals who have experienced Erasmus in its 35-year history. We followed him before, during, and after his Youth Exchange — a short term Erasmus that doesn’t require university enrolment — to understand what happens in the life of a young person on Erasmus.
Director’s statement
“The Erasmus Generation isn’t the story of Roberto; it is the story of everyone who embarks on their first Erasmus experience. Through his story, we tried to convey the common values that every Erasmus experience can bring to people’s lives. We like to think of him as an empty train wagon, inviting us all to sit and be carried along the path of Erasmus. We were fortunate that Roberto’s story visually captured what other participants have expressed in words: a profound personal transformation that happens in the life of a young person during Erasmus.”
world premiere
2024 Festival del Cinema Europeo – Cinema e Realtà
2024 Roma Indipendent FF – National Doc Competition
2024 The Hague FF – International Doc Competition